Science Gallery
A creative experience leading audiences into the Science Gallery lates

In an ongoing partnership with the Science Gallery, Summer 2019 saw the creation of COSMIC SOUP with a collection of emerging artists 5 days. Culminating in the creation of ‘You, Me and Everything Inbetween’ for a Science Gallery Late on ‘Dark Matter’. The installation reached 650 audience members and started up a new relationship between BitterSuite, The Science Gallery and Mosaic Clubhouse, Brixton.
Inspired by dark matter, the group co-created and led the audience through a series of sensory experiences that explore our connection to the Universe and each other. Each experience reveals something integral about the audience member and offers a space to consider what we observe in the world, what others observe about us and what remains a mystery about who we are. What is the dark matter of you?
Cosmic Soup created four experiences. In three of those experiences, audiences gathered specific insights into their own social dark matter:
Your Standard Matter
Your Antimatter
Your Dark Matter
Each experience allocates you a sensory profile helping you find your new tribe.
Cosmic Soup is a collective of artists formed on 12 July 2019. The experiences were created in four days by Alex Godden, Ashraf Ejjbair, Caprice Ellis, Carlos Biggio, Greg Orrom Swan, Idara Udo, Jay Whitehead, Jamille Malcolm, Linz Nakorn, Luisa Charles, Stephanie Kelley and Stephanie Singer.
The Cosmic Web Thread your connections on our ever growing Cosmic Web.
The Space Around Us A sensory tour exploring the invisible qualities of the gallery.
Dark Forces A solo experience. Dark matter is travelling through you at 200km per second right now. But, you can’t feel it yet we know it’s there. What else is there around you, within you, that you can’t detect? Step inside to explore.
Echoes We know of dark matter’s existence only by the impact it has on space. Explore the impact left behind on this space, and leave the traces of you.
Cosmic Soup is a collective of artists formed on 12 July 2019. The experiences were created in four days by Alex Godden, Ashraf Ejjbair, Caprice Ellis, Carlos Biggio, Greg Orrom Swan, Idara Udo, Jay Whitehead, Jamille Malcolm, Linz Nakorn, Luisa Charles, Stephanie Kelley and Stephanie Singer.