Museum of London, Mild May Care Home
What does it mean to be held?

A collaborative project between BitterSuite, The
Museum of London and Mild May Care Home, The Many is a community project exploring intergenerational voices on the theme of connectivity and what it means to be held.
Inspired as a response to the government’s annually published Loneliness Report, The Many looks to respond through creative interventions and actions that combat the affects of loneliness in the groups that are most affected.
How do we hold, how do we feel held? What is community? How do we experience being held, physically, emotionally and politically? What uplifts us? Is holding listening? How do we hold ourselves?
Meeting weekly with residents at Mild May Care Home, movement facilitator Linzy Na Nakorn and musician Alice Phelps explored with the group through creative play, soundscape making, movement making and tactile exploration what it means for us to hold one another.